School Cash Online
School Cash On-Line
All school-based payments at Matsqui Elementary are done through School Cash Online.
In order to pay for the following, it will be necessary to have a school cash online account:
- Student Planner/ Agendas
- Field Trips
- School based donations
- Other items as needed
School Cash Online provides a convenient and secure option of paying for school items using your credit card online, 24/7. Once you are signed up, an e-mail is sent to you whenever an event or item for your child is set up by the school or classroom teacher.
You register with School Cash Online only once but can specify as many schools and/or children as you need to. This means if you have 2 children at Stenersen, 1 at Fraser, and 1 at Yale they can all be registered through the same School Cash online account. Now that’s simplicity!!
If you have not yet signed up for School Cash Online, please see the instructions on the other side of the page. Stop by the office if you need help, and we will find someone to assist you.
Please use link below: