Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)
Because of our P.A.C. and Parent Volunteers . . .
It is the sense of community at Mathxwi Elementary that makes the school a wonderful place to learn and grow. With the help of our parent volunteers, the school is a safer place, and our students have greater opportunities to get involved. They give their time for our children, and Matsqui Elementary is a better place thanks to the tireless efforts of our P.A.C. and parent volunteers. They can be seen helping out with recess/lunch supervision, reading with our students, preparing hot lunch or popping popcorn, driving students on field trips, running extra-curricular clubs, signing out books in the library, raising funds for the school, organizing major events, and so much more. Community participation plays an important part in building the spirit of our school community. It is with gratitude and appreciation that we thank our P.A.C. and volunteers for all that they do.
To contact our PAC please email to: mathxwipac@gmail.com
Our PAC Executive for 2024/2025
President – Brandi-Lynn Patenaude
Secretary - Stephenie Koop
Treasurer – Leanne Swaan
Hot Lunch Coordinator - Looking to fill...please email: mathxwipac@gmail.com if you are interested in this position.