Highlights - Board Meeting - October 4, 2022
The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Meetings can be accessed through the District's Electronic School Board. Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting.
W.J. Mouat Secondary – "Self-Care Mondays"
A small cohort of W.J. Mouat Secondary students who helped develop Self-Care Mondays shared their experiences at the Mental Health Forum and discussed the process of implementing the new school event.
Communications Department Strategic Plan Report for 2021-22
Manager of Communications, Kayla Stuckart, provided a progress report to the Board highlighting achievements related to Strategic Goals 3.1 and 4.1 during the 2021-22 school year.
Human Resources Department Strategic Plan Report for 2021-22
Michele Radomski, Associate Superintendent, Human Resources provided a progress report to the Board highlighting achievements related to Strategic Goals 4.1, 4.3, and 4.4 in the 2021-22 school year.
Ministry of Education and Child Care - Student and Family Affordability Fund
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with an update on the one-time allocation of $1.9 million and implementation of these funds.
Enrolment Report
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with an updated enrolment summary for September 2022.
Student Transportation Services Update
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided a report to the Board of Education with an update on student transportation.
New Business
Traditional Indigenous Territories
Trustee Latham brought forward comments and strategies regarding Indigenous learning with the Board of Education.