Highlights - Board Meeting - May 9, 2023
The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Meetings can be accessed through the District's Electronic School Board. Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting.
École Sandy Hill Elementary – Community Service Project
Grade 5 students and their teacher, Dana Fetterly, discuss preparations for their Book Bonanza and what they've learned as a result of their end-of-year community service project aimed at supporting new families in Canada.
Strategic Plan and Preliminary Budget for 2023-2024
Superintendent Godden and Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provide an update on the status of the 2023-24 Strategic Plan and Budget consultations, with a particular focus on the results which have been gathered from the recently closed portal.
*Please note there were visual issues of the presentation during this segment
District Planning Team Report
Superintendent Godden provided the Board with information about the District Planning Team, whose mandate is to “support a system-wide focus for enhancing student learning in the district and reflect a public commitment to work together to continuously improve learning for each student”
Appointment of Superintendent of Schools
A recommendation THAT the Board of Education appoint Sean Nosek Superintendent of Schools effective July 1, 2023.
Third Quarter Financial Update
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provides an update on the third quarter results with the Board of Education.
Five-Year Capital Plan Submission 2024-2025 (Major Capital Projects)
A recommendation THAT the Board of Education approve the proposed Major Capital Projects for 2024-2025 as provided on the Five-Year Capital Summary for 2024-2025 submitted to the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
Five-Year Capital Plan Submission 2024-2025 (Minor Capital Projects)
A recommendation THAT the Board of Education approve the proposed Minor Capital Projects for 2024-2025 as provided on the Five-Year Capital Plan Summary for 2024-2025 submitted to the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
Food Infrastructure Program (FIP) Submission (2023-2024)
A recommendation THAT the Board of Education approve the proposed Minor Capital Projects – Food Infrastructure Program for 2023-2024 as provided on the Food Infrastructure Program Summary for 2023-2024 submitted to the Ministry of Education and Child Care.
Feed Futures School Food Programs Update
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided the Board of Education with an update about the new Feeding Futures School Food Programs Fund.
*Please note there were audio issues during this segment
BC School Trustees Association - Annual General Meeting
Trustees shared their experience at the recent BCSTA - Annual General Meeting
*Please note there were audio issues during this segment