Highlights - Board Meeting - May 10, 2022
The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Meetings can be accessed through the District's Electronic School Board. Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting.
Student Presentation: Students from Nights of Music
A few students who participated, accompanied by their school administrators, talked to trustees about their experiences playing for a live audience for the first time in over two years.
Community Partner Presentation: Foundry Abbotsford
Foundry Abbotsford provided an overview of Foundry Abbotsford’s services, what youth are saying about the services, and the Youth Ambassador Program and projects in four Abbotsford School District Secondary Schools.
Strategic Plan and Preliminary Budget for 2022-2023
Superintendent Godden and Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provide an update on the status of the 2022-23 Strategic Plan and Budget consultations, with a particular focus on the results which have been gathered from the recently closed portal.
Toti:ltcha Future Learning Plan - School Strategy for 2021-2022
Superintendent Godden presented a high-level summary of where the district stands in relation to the work of Toti:ltcha, our future learning plan. This included updates on enhanced health and safety measures, student attendance, and more.
Third Quarter Results
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provides an update on the third quarter results with the Board of Education.
Renaming Abbotsford Traditional Middle/Secondary School
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve the new name, “Abbotsford Traditional School”, as the name for the grade 6 to 12 school, formerly known as Abbotsford Traditional Middle and Abbotsford Traditional Secondary schools.
Student Transportation Fees
A recommendation was put forward THAT the Board of Education approve the proposed school transportation fees as presented.
Media Contact:
Kayla Stuckart, Manager of Communications
Phone: (604) 859 – 4891 ext. 1206
Email: kayla.stuckart@abbyschools.ca