Highlights - Board Meeting – Jan. 12, 2021
The Abbotsford Board of Education regularly meets throughout the school year. Agendas and minutes from the public Board Meetings can be accessed through the District's Electronic School Board. Below is a summary of highlights from the meeting. To do our part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and for everyone's safety, all public meetings of the Abbotsford Board of Education will be closed to the public and held virtually until further notice. The meetings will also be live-streamed.
Pandemic Response Plan Update
Since September 2020, the district has utilized Toti:ltcha, our future learning plan, as a guide to support our students and staff through the COVID-19 pandemic. Superintendent Godden provided the Board with updates on the FLEX Blended Learning Program, COVID Exposures, Student Attendance and the district’s plan ahead. Trustees were also presented with a video capturing successes and challenges from the fall.
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AP 342 - Responding to Illness in Schools & District Sites
In September, the Ministry of Education directed school districts to formalize procedures for staff and students who become sick at school or a district-site, in accordance with K-12 Public Health Guidance. In alignment with provincial protocols, Superintendent Godden presented the administrative procedure that sets guidelines for a response if a student or staff becomes ill while at school.
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Elementary - Progress Report from 2019-20
A key objective of the Abbotsford School District Strategic Plan includes a focus on high-quality early learning, teaching and leadership. Assistant Superintendent Carla Danielsson provided a progress report on Early Learning projects for the Board.
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Middle - Progress Report from 2019-20
A key objective of the Abbotsford School District Strategic Plan includes a focus on increasing student success. Assistant Superintendent Angus MacKay provided a progress report on student success in our middle schools for the Board.
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Secondary - Progress Report from 2019-20
Assistant Superintendent Gino Bondi provided a progress report to the Board, highlight key achievements, innovative projects, early signs of success, and challenges related to increasing student success and enhancing leadership excellence in the context of our secondary schools.
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Abbotsford Traditional Secondary School: Seismic Project Update
Secretary-Treasurer Velestuk provided Trustees with an update on the Seismic Project at Abbotsford Traditional Secondary School.Watch this Segment
New School on Eagle Mountain: Virtual Open House
A project update meeting for the new elementary school project on Eagle Mountain will be held online on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, at 7:00 pm. The purpose of the meeting is to update the local residents on the status of construction and what to expect in the coming months. The meeting will be facilitated by Station One Architects (formerly CHP Architects) and Jim Alkins, the Project Manager.
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Policy 2 – Role of the Board of Education
A recommendation was put forward that the Board of Education approve revised Policy 2 – Role of the Board of Education, as presented.Watch this Segment
Policy 3 - Role of the Trustee
A recommendation was put forward that the Board of Education approve revised Policy 3 – Role of the Trustee, as presented.
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Policies 4 and 5: Role of the Board Chair and Role of the Vice-Chair
A report was presented to the Board for information.
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Policy 18 - School Catchment Areas
A recommendation was put forward the Board of Education approve revised Policy 18 – School Catchment Areas, as presented.
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